

To be eligible for regular membership, applicants must meet the following requirements:

1. The applicant must have received their professional education and training from an accredited institution recognized by The Councils on Chiropractic Education International (CCEI) at the time of graduation. The CCEI accrediting bodies are:

  • Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia (CCEA)
  • Canadian Federation of Chiropractic Regulatory and Educational Accrediting Boards (CFCREAB)
  • Council on Chiropractic Education United States of America (CCE)
  • European Council in Chiropractic Education (ECCE)

2. The applicant must be licensed to practice chiropractic:

  • For applicants practicing in Malaysia, they must be registered with the Malaysian Traditional and Complementary Medicine Council.
  • For applicants practicing overseas, they must be registered with the statutory regulatory body in that country.
  • For applicants practicing in a country where there is no statutory regulatory body, they must be a member of the local national chiropractic association recognized by the World Federation of Chiropractic.


1. Applicants must complete all sections of the application form, including the declaration.

2. Applicants must submit the following supporting documents along with a completed application form:

  • Scanned copy of the chiropractic certificate issued by the institution from which they graduated.
  • Scanned copy of licenses issued by the licensing board of any jurisdiction where they have practiced.
  • A letter of good standing from the licensing board of any jurisdiction where they have practiced.
  • A letter of good standing from any chiropractic association of which they have been a member.
  • Scanned copy of their identification document (Identification Card for Malaysians and Passport for non-Malaysians).

3. The application fee is waived for chiropractic graduates who join as regular members within one month of their degree's conferral date. For applicants with prior practice experience or any application made after one month from the degree's conferral date:

  • Payment of the application fee (RM500.00) and the application fee is non-refundable.
  • The applicant will be informed of the result of their application within one month.
  • Upon approval, payment for the annual membership fee must be made within two weeks to become a member of the Association of Chiropractic Malaysia.
  • Failure to do so will result in the application being treated as withdrawn, and the appropriate reapplication fees must be paid.

4. Membership dues and fees are:

  • Application Fee: RM500.00.
  • Regular Membership: RM500.00 per annum.
  • Non-Practicing Membership: RM300.00 per annum.
  • Late Penalty: RM100.00.
  • Reactivation Fees: RM200.00
  • Student Membership: RM50.00 per annum.

5. New regular membership applications are entitled to a pro-rated fee of RM250.00 during their first calendar year as a member if their application was approved from 1 July to 31 December of the same calendar year.

6. A valid student member of the Association of Chiropractic Malaysia who joins as a regular member within one month of their degree's conferral date is entitled to a thirty percent (30%) discount for their first calendar year as a regular member.

7. All members must be renewed annually before 31 December. Failure to renew membership before 31 December may result in a late fee, an automatic lapse of membership, and loss of rights and privileges.

8. These conditions may change with amendments in policies and regulations of the Association.


  1. Kindly be advised that all Regular Members must possess valid professional indemnity insurance in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the Association of Chiropractic Malaysia (ACM) and the Federation of Complementary & Natural Medical Association, Malaysia (FCNMAM).
  2. Please take note of the terms and conditions for The RightClick insurance scheme (insured by Chubb) for Chiropractic:
  • Only chiropractors who hold an active and valid membership with the Association of Chiropractic Malaysia are eligible to obtain or renew The RightClick Professional Liability Insurance Scheme for Chiropractic policy.
  • Chiropractors who are not ACM members are not entitled to The RightClick Professional Liability Insurance Scheme for Chiropractic policy.


1. Membership privileges are extended to all members of the Association of Chiropractic Malaysia.

2. The following list outlines the privileges available to members of the Association of Chiropractic Malaysia.

  • Corporate Wellness Package
  • Hilton Corporate Discount
  • PTT Outdoor Discount Code
  • Pott Glasses Corporate Deal
  • Nissan Employees Purchase Program
  • Sime Darby Auto Connexion (SDAC) Corporate Discount Program (Ford models)
  • International Medical University (IMU) Bursary for Master of Science in Public Health (MScPH) and Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management (MBA-HCM)
  • Volkswagen Passenger Cars Corporate Employee Purchase Scheme
  • MyFeet Exclusive Corporate Discount
  • Logan University Bursary for Doctor of Health Profession Education (DHPE), Masters in Sports Science & Rehabilitation (MS-SSR), Masters in Nutrition and Human Performance (MS-NHP) and Masters in Health Informatics (MS-HI)
  • McTimoney College of Chiropractic Bursary for MSc Chiropractic (Paediatrics) Programme
  • Universal Fitness & Leisure Sdn. Bhd. Corporate Discount
  • Naturenite
  • Cititel Hotel Management (CHM) Group
  • Ergoworks

Please feel free to contact us at if you have any further inquiries.

  • Regular Membership
    12 months
    Package price
    RM 500

    Upon payment of the annual regular membership fee, the member shall be entitled to the following privileges:-

    • to attend, participate in activities and vote in the General Meetings of the Association;
    • to be elected or appointed thereto, as a member of the Board;
    • to serve as a Division Member of the Association, upon being appointed as such;
    Read More
  • Non-Practicing Membership
    12 months
    Package price
    RM 300

    Upon payment of the annual non-practicing membership fee, the member shall be entitled to the following privileges:-

    • to attend, participate in activities and vote in the General Meetings of the Association;
    • to serve as a Division Member of the Association, upon being appointed as such;
    • to serve as a state representative, upon being appointed as such.
  • Student Membership
    12 months
    Package price
    RM 50

    Upon payment of the annual student membership fee, the student member shall be entitled to the following privileges:-

    • to attend, participate in activities and General Meetings of the Association but shall not be entitled to vote or hold office of the Association;
    • to serve as a student representative, upon being appointed as such.